Friday, November 2, 2007

First Belgian Tripel

It's about time I finally made one. My friend Jeremy and I are going to crank this sucker out on Monday night.

Seeing that it is 10 gallons at an OG target of 1.090, I need to make a HUGE starter this weekend. Will probably use WL500 Trappists ale yeast.

The recipe is coming together to look like

85% Belgian Pils
10% Belgian Aromatic
5% Caramunic (not sure about this one)

Hop schedule will be Northern for bittering and possible Saaz for aroma. Target IBU 30 or so.

Time to do the math


SteveQ said...

Just discovered your blog. A kindred spirit! Have you done high-gravity brewing before? Tripels are tricky to make (but oh so good after a run); mashing is especially tough and sometimes the yeast gives out early.

Matthew Patten said...

I did an IPA with an OG of 1.085, pitched on to a huge yeast cake, so I think I am good to go with the high OG. I am stepping up a WL500 starter twice to get 400 billion yeast cells. My calculations say I need at least 350B.

I decided to fly sparge instead of batch sparge on this one as I have only been hitting 69% efficiency on my batch sparges.

I postponed this because I could not land on a recipe I was 100% on.

Looks like Sunday will be the day. I also reduced it to 5 gal from 10 (I don't think my mash tun could hold over 30lbs of grain).